Apricity AcademyCurrent Affairs
Current Affairs for 6 April
The success of Eco-Link @ BKE (built at a cost of $12.3million) has inspired the Mandai Wildlife Bridge. Clearly, Singaporeans care deeply for our natural forests and wildlife species, and future generations of Singaporeans will do well to remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi that "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
Current Affairs for 4 April
This week's series is from The Big Read (TodayOnline), which provides a much deeper investigation into the issues and various perspectives. To start off, we want to ask if ethical consumerism is as good as it sounds?
Current Affairs for 5 April
"The Fourth Industrial Revolution and ever-changing demands of the job market have created four challenges to the higher education model, according to a World Economic Forum article in 2019.
These are the need for lifelong learning in a non-linear world; being able to cater to the changing demands of students; compete against the growing educational technologies and private education providers; and moving towards a skills-focused model instead of one that is degree-focused."
With this context in mind, consider how universities in SG have upped their game, and in your opinion, are they doing enough?
Current Affairs for 31 Mar
Can Tiktok possibly be a beacon of (cyber) light in such troubled times?
Current Affairs for 1 April
Till today, there are still punitive regulations that dictate what a woman must wear
Current Affairs for 29 Mar
A 2017 interview with Misty Copeland and Barack Obama - a must-watch!
Current Affairs for 30 Mar
Let us never underestimate the power of stories and fairy tales
Current Affairs for 25 Mar
Looking at the human race from the past to the present, and imagining the future. An intriguing anthropological perspective. Really useful for GP students :)
Current Affairs for 28 Mar
What's the 'Oxford look'? Should there even be one?
An interesting phrase was used - "The axe forgets; the tree remembers" - to mean that the person who hurts another forgets about it, but the person who gets hurt remembers it well.
Current Affairs for 23 Mar
Covid's not the only health crisis, there's soaring obesity rates as well. This severely impacts healthcare and productivity costs, leading countries to wring their hands in despair. Can taxation on sugary foods & drinks be the way out?
Current Affairs for 24 Mar
This Ukraine war has also been called as "the world's first crypto war". Definitely a must-read for young people as bitcoin and crypto will be (if not already) your future currency.
Current Affairs for 21 Mar
BLM has taken the world by storm, and yet, there's another parallel movement that seems to go under the radar. Take this opportunity to understand the "Stop ASIAN hate movement" and derive a clearer sense of how various racial minorities struggle so hard for recognition and protection.
Current Affairs for 22 Mar
Particularly interesting for the gamers in our midst! What are the reasons and consequences of China's gaming ban on children and teenagers (below 18 years old)?
Current Affairs for 17 Mar
Globalisation has brought to us affordable food prices. But when this status quo is upended, it is only a matter of time that a food crisis approaches our doors
Current Affairs for 18 Mar
A less well-known consequence arising from this current war is our space crisis.
Current Affairs for 15 Mar
Boycotts are popular, but we seriously need to question its purpose and real outcomes
Current Affairs for 16 Mar
How can a country maintain its sovereignty and independence if it continually relies on other countries for its oil and gas supplies?
Current Affairs for 4 Mar
How does China fit in, and what will it do (or not do)?
Current Affairs for 14 Mar
A must read article - and who knows, you may want to join the Tharman fan club?